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Getting Started with Libby
Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby App. You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle Fire! The Libby app is available in the Amazon App store.
​​​​​​​​ACCESS TO MORE! In addition to the content you can borrow
from ICL through the Lakeland Digital Library, you can also
access our Partner Cooperatives digital collections. Click on
the Libby Brochure: App Set Up - Adding Partner Cooperatives
to learn more. ​​

Search for the Lakeland Digital Library
​All you need is your library card number to get started.

Lakeland Libby Borrowing Limits
For Each Library Card:
eBooks/Audiobooks Magazines
​10 Checkouts ​ Unlimited number of Checkouts
15 Holds No Holds Required-Always Available
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