Take a journey through literature with us.
The Mosquito Bowl by Buzz Bissinger
What if? by Randall Munroe
The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn
The Six by Loren Grush
The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff
Selections are typically of more interest to men, but club leader Director Dale Parus has been known to travel off the beaten path and pick a few non-conventional titles to challenge Club Members. Explore a new book each month and bring a friend along for the trek with you. Live in the moment, open your mind and enjoy meaningful conversations with friends new and old.
The Club meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 PM.
January 23
February 27
March 26
April 23
May 28
June 25
No July Meeting
August 20
September 17
October 22
November 26
December 17
January 28
February 25
March 11
April 22
May 27
June 24
July 22
August 26
September 23
October 28
November 25
December 23
Travel with the group to:
412 W Main St
Ionia, MI 48846